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Yes, 100% secure. Only you get access to your account. Your information is stored and continuously backed up using the latest encrypted web technologies on our dedicated Internet server cloud.
Was ist die Mindestdauer Ihrer Mitgliedschaft?Es gibt keine Mindestdauer der Mitgliedschaft.
What are the Payment cycle intervals for membership subscription fees?Your chosen membership level will be renewed automatically at the end
of your
selected payment interval. You can cancel automatic renewal at any time before your
subscription expires.
Your Day Pro membership will not renew
Your payment and subscription details are accessible to your GM Hub under
may upgrade to a higher level of membership within the subscription period. Your
account will
upgrade instantly to the higher membership
level, and a new subscription period will begin at the new membership level. You
will pay the
pro-rata difference between the lower and the higher subscription on checkout.
You can cancel your subscription at any time by clicking Cancel Subscription within settings in your GM Hub before the date that your current subscription period ends.
What will be the status of my GM Account after cancelling my subscription?If you cancel your subscription, your account will continue with its membership benefits until the end of the payment period you have chosen. Genetic Matrix will take no further payments at the end of this payment period, and your account will revert to a free membership level.
What will happen to my information and charts if I cancel my subscription?Your information and charts are stored securely on the Genetic Matrix server cloud but will not be accessible until you renew your paid membership subscription.
Does Genetic Matrix use AI?No, we don’t, and we have no intention of using it. Our website, content, copy, and all our products are authentically Human Designed. The Founder of Genetic Matrix is a professional Human Design (HD) analyst with over two decades of experience and 10,000 documented readings. His expertise is unmatched by AI. Currently, AI-generated information on HD is inaccurate and error-prone, and we do not advise using or relying on it for guidance.,